Monday, June 4, 2007

Pillow Talk

A blog-buddy once wrote a post about pillows, and the big influence it had on her sleeping routines... well, as I found out for myself... she was definitely right! I had some trouble sleeping a while back, waking up (with much trouble) with sore neck and shoulder muscles, pins and needled arms and puffy eyes (although, i think the puffy eyes could have been of watching the WHOLE 2nd season of Prison Break 2nd in one week!)
Well, last week, after much moaning about our pillows, hubby gave in and got 4 new soft-fluffy-puffy-cloudy-dreamy-pillows... wich has in turn gave me lots of happy sleeping nights!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jip I agree! my pillow must be soft and flat. If it is not my neck and shoulders is usually so sore the next morning...